Famous Last Words

  1.  ____________________________________________.
  2.  Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.
  3.  Woman, behold your son. Behold your mother.
  4.  My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
  5.  I am thirsty.
  6.  It is finished.
  7.  Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.

What is missing?

Buzz Inyourear

G is a person who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions, or just being an irritant. In his defense while on trial for his life, S pointed out the high cost to society of silencing individuals who were irritating- “If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me,” because his role was that of G, “to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth.”

G also appears in Greek mythology as a tormentor to I. Z lusts after I and turns her into a white heifer to hide her from his jealous wife. She is not fooled, and demands her as a gift from Z. She then sends K, the 100-eyed monster to guard her. H, on Z’s orders, kills K. When she finds out that K has been killed, causing I to become loose, she sends the G to torment and sting I, forcing her to wander far away from home.

The G also plays a role in the myth of how B loses P while riding it to the top of Mt. Olympus. Z is enraged by the human’s attempt to ascend to the home of the gods. He sends G to sting P, who is startled and he rears backward. B loses his grip and falls back to Earth. His life is spared, but he becomes blind and wanders the earth until he dies, being hated by both men and gods. He never finds P again.

Erm…G,S,I,Z,K,B and P please.


Apologies for the …..wall of text. Pretty simple connect though. All answers have inspired something. What is it?

The first known mention of the word was in the third century AD in a book called Liber Medicinalis by the physician to the roman    emperor Caracalla, who prescribed that malaria sufferers wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of a triangle. This, he explained, diminishes the hold over the patient of the spirit of the disease.
It was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones which were worn as amulets. It was probably derived either from Hebrew or Aramaic language (אברא כדברי) meaning “I will create as my words“. Londoners posted the word on their doorways to ward off sickness during the Great Plague of London. Aleister Crowley regarded it as possessing great power.
X is well known as a flower found in a few rain forests in Southeast Asia, although it breaks many of the rules we associate with flowering plants. Its members have no leaves, stems or visible roots. The only visible feature that they have in common with other flowering plants is the flower itself… and even that is only in bloom for brief periods of time. For the rest of the time, the only evidence of the plant’s existence is a closed-up, dark-colored bud.
They can’t photosynthesize as they are parasites. Their roots have evolved into appendages called haustoria, which burrow into the tissue of other plants and suck out nutrients.
In addition, the flowers give off an extremely pungent smell similar to rotten meat. They seem to resemble rotting flesh visually, too. This is to attract flies for pollination instead of butterflies.
In medieval times, cotton plants were depicted as strange half-plant, half-sheep hybrids. Likewise, one popular view of Xs was that they represented a sort of intermediate stage between plants and humans as their roots are very thick and are often forked in a way that makes them resemble a human torso and legs. This led to myths that Xs were a primitive form of humans.

They are very poisonous and produce a class of chemicals (and its most potent variety), which interfere with the nervous systems of humans and other animals. The plants most likely evolved these chemicals as a defense against being eaten, but in sufficiently small quantities, they can be used for medicinal purposes, ranging from asthma to Parkinson’s disease, while in ancient times they were mostly used as a form of anesthetic, since disrupting the activity of the nervous system does have the effect of numbing pain.

Once upon a time, there was a priest who maintained a temple. The priest kept a cat, and though he was very poor, he would often share his food with it. One day, though, the priest found that there was no food left, and in his hunger, he shouted at the cat: “I’ve always fed you in spite of my poverty, so couldn’t you do something for this temple for once?” The cat got up and wandered out of the temple.
As it happened, the lord of the district was out riding near the temple at the time. It started to rain heavily, prompting him to take shelter beneath a tree. He then noticed the cat sitting in front of the temple, _________ to him. The cat’s behavior puzzled him, and so he approached it with interest. As he walked, a bolt of lighting struck the tree he had been underneath and brought it crashing down. It had saved his life.
He picked it up and rushed into the temple. When he discovered that the priest was the owner of the cat, he was filled with gratitude. The temple was adopted as his family temple, and went from being dilapidated to a place of splendor.
One of the primary reasons the fish is symbolic in Japanese culture is because it is known for swimming upstream no matter what the conditions are. These fish are even said to swim up waterfalls. This is viewed as an absolute show of power because they will continue to swim upstream as if on a mission. Their swimming downstream is considered bad luck.
According to Japanese legend, if a X fish succeeded in climbing the falls at a point on the Yellow River, it would be transformed into a Y. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.
Another legend states that the X climb the waterfall bravely, and if they are caught, they face their death on the cutting board bravely like a samurai.

Take your pick

The story of X’s Y is quite well known.

It is a story that appears in the Hebrew Bible. It has long been a popular subject for artists and is often chosen for decoration of courthouses. The original tale of X’s Y can also be seen as a parable- X was at war with one of his brothers at the time; the baby was Israel, the sword was war, X was the false mother and his brother was represented by the real mother.

It also brings about the term _________ ___ ____ in practice which is used to describe a  simple compromise in legal practice.

Answer everything.


Apples and Oranges


In The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, X is the goddess of Y.X’s name is similar in sound to the word ‘Heiress’, as in a ‘spoiled little rich girl’. She used to receive a large allowance from her Father (“Daddy“) every month until she was cut off for all the trouble that she was causing. She is portrayed as a curvaceous and beautiful, but vindictive, blonde-haired woman with a gap in her teeth.She is the keeper of the Z, a golden apple that can transform into any shape to assist her into wreaking havoc.

In one episode, she gives the apple to the trio, Grim tries to seal it away, Mandy wants to become the new goddess of Y, and Billy is…well Billy. The three eventually end up fighting over it until X returns, glad with the outcome of her plan, and leaves with Z.

Id X,Y and Z. What Incident in Greek mythology does the episode parody?